About us.

Nicky's Story

Multi-disciplinary artist Nicky Quinion grew up on Salisbury Plain surrounded by “big skies and small animals”. She says “It was an idyllic time, with the freedom we took for granted unburdened by phones, media, canned sound or any kind of worldly awareness. We had no idea that we were the last generation to grow up this way”. Ironically, Nicky is now rarely seen without her earpods in and a podcast on whilst painting.

The ancient landscapes of Salisbury Plain’s old orchards, weathered cottages and rambling gardens provided endless possibilities for adventurous children. Nicky’s fertile imagination, already fueled by illustrators like Rackham and Nielson - as well as the imitable Jill Barklen - found plenty to ignite and inspire. 

Nicky says “I was most captivated by the elements - the vast unfettered skies most of all. Storms could be charted from miles away, sometimes an hour before they landed and caused us to all rush indoors. The magnificence of the skies proved too daunting, so I taught myself to portray smaller and more material aspects of the natural world.”

Amid the austerity of a ‘70s childhood, Nicky’s long walks through the country inevitably put her face-to-face with the nature that so captivated her. “Treasures were left in bedrooms until they grew legs, roots or even mould!”. The family home often became a refuge for wildlife in need, with Nicky’s father adopting an orphaned fox that literally ran rings around the household. Tiny rodents of all kinds and a confused clump of clumsy fledgelings formed a garrulous crew in the bathroom. 

The need to share aspects of this beautiful country life led Nicky to a foundation course at Salisbury College, and later to Exeter to study an Honours Degree in Illustration. During this time Nicky experimented with monochrome and engraving techniques that were especially suited to her level of detail.  (Some of these pieces will soon be available to purchase!) 

With the new millennium came motherhood and a greater reason than ever to create and express delight. The family moved around - Somerset, Hampshire, Massachusetts - and creative moments shared with little hands took other forms. NIcky’s art became less insular and more often 3D. She explored new mediums such as embroidery, upholstery, sculpture and modelling - even stonecarving. Each form was taken to impossible and amazing lengths because “why not?”

After a period of teaching children art which Nicky describes as “deeply joyful and sustaining”, she has returned to her illustrative roots. Her subjects, both wild and domestic, are now commonly (but not exclusively) portrayed in vibrant watercolours and rich coloured pencil work. Animals and plant life cohabit with occasional appearances of people, buildings and landscapes - all with Nicky's trademark attention to detail and liberal dash of humour!

About Gabriel

I'm Gabriel, and I'm extremely excited to share this artwork & website with you.

My mum, Nicky, has been dedicating her time to her art for over 25 years. I'm extremely proud to finally be able to showcase her work in the public eye. We've accumulated this art as we've traveled through Massachusetts and across the South of England, and have never had the idea of putting it on show.

That said, it's 2025 and we've decided there's no time like the present. Join us as every month for new prints and collections as we delve through our expansive and unexplored archive and bring you intriguing and evocative new pieces.

As nature lovers, we hope our art always reminds you to keep nature close to your heart - it needs your support more now than ever before. While you pursue that noble mission, don't forget to be kind to yourself and do everything with a good heart.

On behalf of Nicky, the team and myself thank you for being here with us.

Gabriel Quinion